Autodesk Tinkercad online 3d editor

Another useful little thing from Autodesk. Tinkercad.  A free online solids 3d modelling application.

Unlike many other free applications, it does allow downloading your model in a format you can actually use for something.  Which is great.

Autodesk Pixlr online image editor

Nearly perfect online image editor Autodesk Pixlr . For those cases when you don’t have any software installed to do the task.


Unlock your desktop by Bluetooth

Use BlueProximity utility to make your computer feel your presence and run certain commands on you (your Bluetooth-enabled smartphone, to be precise) either approaching or leaving it:

  • sudo apt-get install blueproximity

Make sure you do have gnome-screensaver installed, if you want it to lock/unlock your desktop:

  • sudo apt-get install gnome-screensaver

After configuring the BlueProximity you may add or replace the commands it runs as you wish. Use semicolon to separate individual commands (just like in bash).

Brown noise generator

Simple brown noise generation script using sox on Linux.

Record from webcam

You can use guvcview to record from webcam.

Sniffing POP3 passwords

If you have forgotten what are the passwords for user accounts at your mail server, run the specialized dsniff utility while they are checking their mail:

  • dsniff -i any 'tcp port pop3'

It is better than other sniffers because it does not show you all the usual garbage, it cares only about user names and passwords.

Of course it will not work if the user uses STARTTLS or SSL/TLS connection security. After all, that’s what it is for…


Video stabilization in Linux

To stabilize (deshake) a video you can use the transcode program normally available for Linux  distributions.

Though, you may need to get updated plug-in binaries (read more), if you are getting messages like “[] warning: unsupported Codec: 2″.

Then you go for the first run, which is analyzing the video and generating an info file for future use:

  • transcode -J stabilize -i shaking.mp4

And then comes the second run, which is the actual image stabilization:

  • transcode -J transform -i shaking.mp4 -y xvid -o stable.avi


Make bootable Windows XP setup flash USB disk

Use rufus  to make the USB boot disk for Windows XP install. Quick and easy.

Have your installation disk .ISO ready and select “Create a bootable disk using: ISO image”.

This one is a Windows only solution.

Backup files from Windows client to Linux rsync server

Set up the rsync server running rsyncd daemon on Linux.

Get DeltaCopy for Windows and install it. Basically, it is a variant of rsync running in its own Cygwin environment on a Windows machine. It provides both the server and the client, but in this particular case we will need only the client. It does have a GUI.

You may experience a problem – DeltaCopy will not handle non-ASCII file names correctly. This can be solved easily.
Go get UTF8 compatible Cygwin library here (full article here). Unpack it and copy the .dll file over to the DeltaCopy directory under the ProgramFiles. You may want to rename the original .dll before you do, just in case.

Start the Deltacopy Client program and set up a new backup profile, it is pretty self-explanatory.


Edit Windows registry in Linux

You can use the chntpw utility to edit Windows registry files directly from Linux command line.